About Us
Maar Marine LLC
Established to collaborate with Marina owner and boat owner to solve problems that they have with
their boat or the marina in good shape.
Maar marine located in South Carolina near Lake Hartwell.
Many boats owner do not want to continue keeping they boat at the marina for many reasons like:
ï‚· New Job Relocation: A change in job location may necessitate the require cost effective moving the
ï‚· boat condition: Boat need to invest funds to keep the boat in good shape.
ï‚· Storage cost: The expenses associated with keeping a boat either in the water or stored on land
can be prohibitive.
ï‚· Unfortunately, many boat owners find themselves unable to sell their boats, leading them to
abandon them at marinas without fulfilling their storage payments. This situation deteriorates
both the boat and the marina environment, making it look unkempt.

Many marinas’ owners
A prevalent issue for many marinas arises when boat owners cease payment for storage. Consequently,
boats remain docked or stored on land, deteriorating over time. This results in marinas having occupied
slips and storage areas without corresponding payments. And the marina started to look like a junk yard.
Our Missions
This is where Maar Marine steps in. We assess every boat offered to us by both the boat owners and
marinas, determining its value. Depending on the boat's condition, we may either transport it to the
nearest recycling facility or bring it to one of our locations for restoration and eventual resale.

Our primary goal
Our primary goal is to support the marine industry, ensuring its sustainability and environmental